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Welcome to New York -A Burnt Offering as Sunshine Policy at the UN - The Hidden Part of the Sunshine Policy- !

Left: Ban Ki-Moon (The chief of staff to UN general assembly president Han Seung-Soo, the President of the 56th General Assembly, 2001), Right: Han Seung-Soo (2001.3.27 - 2002.2.4, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea)

January 2000: Vice Minister Ban Ki-Moon (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade) under President Kim Dae-Jung.

He failed to implement the diplomatic philosophy and directions of the President in certain part of dark side of sunshine policy —burnt offering (kidnapping, murder and disposal)—.

In April 2001, Han Seung-Soo was appointed the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. He was elected the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations in September 2001. [Mar. 27, 2001 – Feb. 04, 2002 Minister Han Seung-soo (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), He holds the rotating U.N. presidency for the Republic of Korea.]

May 2001. Ban Ki-Moon was selected to be the chief of staff to general assembly president Han Seung-Soo (the President of the 56th General Assembly: 2001). Han was under the command of Korean President Kim Dae-Jung. The Republic of Korea held the rotating presidency.

Ban was unemployed for the first and only time in his career and was expecting to receive an assignment to work in a remote and unimportant embassy. In 2001, during the 56th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, the Republic of Korea held the rotating presidency, and to Ban's surprise, he was selected to be the chief of staff to general assembly president Han Seung-soo. Wikipedia
“With the exception of his misstep in 2001, Mr. Ban has been almost surpassingly unassuming and inoffensive — noticed, when he is, for his steady record of incremental achievement at the South Korean Foreign Ministry, where he has spent his entire 37-year career. The elusiveness may be intended.” NY Times, December 9, 2006, By Warren Hoge

In 2003, Ban Ki-Moon was appointed as one of his foreign policy advisors to President Roh Moo-Hyun.
Jan 17, 2004 – Nov. 10, 2006 Minister Ban Ki-Moon (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea)
May 2007: UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon appointed Han Seung-Soo —former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade (ROK) and former President of the 56th General Assembly— as one of three Special Envoys on Climate Change on 1 May 2007.

Han now serves as a Special Envoy on Climate Change for the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

(UN, New York)

Since January 2000, Mr. Ban was responsible for implementing the diplomatic philosophy or instructions of President Kim Dae-Jung. He and his colleagues failed numerous times, even though the vast network of terrorists was mobilized to abduct and murder a citizen for President Kim’s political benefit. [One of key agents used the term “Burnt Offering” for the kidnap, murder and disposal process in Brussels.]

In 2001-2002, when he was Chef de Cabinet during the Republic of Korea’s chairmanship of the UN General Assembly, Mr. Ban came to New York. With Minister Han Seung-soo —the President of the 56th General Assembly of the United Nations—, Ban Ki-Moon —Chef de Cabinet during the Republic of Korea’s presidency of the General Assembly of UN— was responsible for implementing the diplomatic philosophy or instructions of President Kim Dae-Jung —Burnt Offering as Sunshine Policy at the UN (New York, USA).
He was needed to finish what he had left unfinished when he was a vice minister of Foreign Affairs under the predecessor of Minister Han Seung-soo [March 27, 2001–February 04, 2002: Minister Han Seung-soo (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)].

After Ban Ki-Moon’s arrival at the UN (New York, May 2001).

Vice-Minister Ban’s move for his new post in New York cannot be a surprise due to his reallocation and mobilization to fulfill his terrorist duties —already started in Brussels and Antwerp on President Kim’s behalf—. [Vice-Minister class Ambassador Choi Dae-Hwa personally threatened me actively in church and then passively in front of the embassy]. If he was surprised, it was because the victim had survived, the terror target was still alive, his victim had retreat from Brussels, and he had to be murdered in a secret way without drawing any public attention. So that the elusiveness had to be intentional —Ban Ki-Moon was already a high-profile diplomat when his crimes and terrorist acts were actually taking place.

L: Los Angeles. Agent Moon, who worked under Ambassador Choi as a thug and was stationed in the LA area where I was planning to stay for a while. In such a situation and life danger, I couldn’t move to LA as I wanted to. I had to avoid any direct confrontation with Ban’s well prepared terror agents. They had my family in their hands. [He once wrote that his life in LA is more comfortable than that of Brussels.] R: Washington DC. Agent Moon

It was a terrifying fact that President Kim Dae-Jung relocated his subordinate, the one who implemented the president’s instructions to kidnap and murder a citizen, so that he could pursue his terror activities even in another continent. This type of persistence was lasting during my dwelling in Brussels. Their repressive activities followed from Seoul to Brussels. In Atlanta, I had to expect some attacks coming from Seoul and some from Brussels. UN Secretary General Ban who was the chief of staff to general assembly president Han Seung-soo represented one of those coming from Seoul.

Mr. Ban Ki-Moon came to the UN with the objective of finishing his unfinished business —the abduction and murder that he had already attempted in Brussels, Vlaams Brabant and Antwerp. Ban's elusive appointment at New York underlined the new wave of aggressive acts.
I had already realized my first hunger strike at the church (hunger strike at Brussels, June 2001).

[At the end of that hunger strike in Brussels, Ambassador Choi’s agents failed to murder me (June 12, 2001). Jeon and his wife, and diplomat Nho, were the tentacles extended to commit the crime during the summer of 2001 in Brussels. It is important to remember diplomat Nho’s words: “President Kim Dae-Jung has not forgotten you, he has not abandoned you,” as well as President Kim’s e-mail without text (Saturday, 23 December 2000 10:54:27 +0900) which was merely the continuation of President Kim's struggle to murder a defenseless citizen.] Agent Sun —regional director/president and CEO, KIA Motors, London (UK), Jan 2007, (Hyundai Motors America (USA)/ Hyundai, Brussels, 7years)— and his henchman were among them.

Ban’s diplomat delivered President Kim’s death threat to me during my hunger strike in Norcross, Georgia (near Atlanta, July 10, 2001).

Ambassador Yang Sung Chul (Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the United States of America)

Consul General Cho Jung-pyo (- Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade ( Dec. 2006 ) ... - Consul- General, Korean Consulate General in Atlanta, U.S.A (Jul. 2000), Current Consul General - Lee Kwang Jae)

After Ban Ki-Moon’s arrival, Cho Jung-Pyo’s diplomat and thugs —Consul General, Korean Consulate General in Atlanta (2001), current Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade— made their move and made clear how close they were to me by delivering their death threat (July 10, 2001). At that time, I was in the middle of my hunger strike and therefore very weak. They came to see me. While the consul threatened me by delivering his sly death threat, he was smiling in a strange way. His assistant, who came with the consul, did his best to intimidate me. [At that time, I had to face a person who imitate Park Young-Sam and Nho Gil-Sang. Nho Gil-Sang, one member of the diplomatic staff, gave me a phone call that I shouldn't trust anyone in the U.S., when I was leaving Brussels to go to Atlanta. This person's words and act explained how Ban Ki-Moon's diplomats and thugs branded me as a pro-Kim Jong-Il communist and extreme rightist.]
They —an assistant of the diplomat and another person who approached me with many innocent people— were placed along the route I often use to go to the Marta station that links me to downtown Atlanta and the Buford Highway Farmer's Market. It was September 10, 2001 on Buford Highway. I was going in the direction of Atlanta’s Hartsfield International Airport. I arrived in Toronto on September 10, 2001. 9-11 happened a day later.

Atlanta, GA

President Kim and his aids publicly proposed the Sunshine Policy to help out Kim Jong-Il, and secretly attempted to kidnap and murder a citizen by branding him as an anti-Kim Jong-Il extreme rightist. Even one of thugs who later moved to London (UK) accused me a person who is on the line of political tendency attempting the “assassination of Kim Jong-Il in order to brand me as an extreme rightist. President Kim’s Sunshine Policy was a “burnt offering” for a person who does not accept his proposed leftist ideas.

Minister Han Seung-soo was the President of the 56th General Assembly of the United Nations and Mr. Ban Ki-Moon was the chief of staff to the General Assembly President Han Seung-soo, who was responsible for implementing the diplomatic philosophy or instructions of President Kim Dae-Jung.

The consul of the Korean Consulate General in Atlanta came to me to deliver President Kim’s death threat, saying that the order was from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (under the control of Han Seung-soo). Ban Ki-moon, under the title of chief of staff, was there to help finish the orders that were not accomplished before. They were not in Seoul. They were in the UN. At the UN, they tried to carry out the hidden side of the Sunshine Policy —a Burnt Offering— for President Kim Dae-Jung.

Lee Sung-Joo
Jul. 1999 Minister, Korean Embassy in the Kingdom of Belgium and Korean Mission to the European Union
Mar. 2007 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the UN Secretariat and International Organizations in Geneva

One of Ban Ki-Moon's diplomats who worked under Vice-Minister level Ambassador Choi Dae-Hwa moved to the UN Secretariat and International Organizations in Geneva.

Lee Seung-Sun Military Attaché, Diplomatic Immunity and Privileges

Terrorist in the UN Peacekeeping Operation just like Ban Ki-Moon and Han Seung-Soo at the UN.

(UN Peacekeeping Operation with a member of DJ's Terrorist Group: “Two years have passed already since I started working in Brussels, Belgium which is called a capital of Europe or the center of Europe. During the period, I have carried out many military diplomatic activities making efforts to promote national interest as defense military personnel, but I still have a precious day that I will never forget.” Military attaché (2000), Embassy and Mission of The Republic of Korea. Army Lieutenant Colonel Lee Seung-Sun – it was the efforts to promote President Kim Dae-Jung's interest to conspire to kidnap and assassinate Korean citizen, to commit bioterrorism, and to fabricate prisoner of political thoughts!)

“International peace keeping operations (PKO) under U.N. command engage in truce maintenance, peace settlement, security operations, humanitarian assistance and reconstruction in war-torn regions worldwide.”

By using the United Nations Peacekeeping Operation (PKO) Activities, as a head of the army medical unit, Ban Ki-Moon and Kim Dae-Jung's force sent Lee to the PKO operation to laundry the career of Lee Seung-Sun.

Recently Ban condemned the use of UN facilities for "evil" —rockets fired at Israel from UNRWA school. Ban and Han were at UN during the "burnt offering for President Kim Dae-Jung" just like those fired rockets at Israel from UNRWA school.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon issued a statement concerning “his strong desire to see this fundamental principle respected both in rhetoric and in practice.”

By using UN as a foothold to launch your burnt offering for president Kim and by using UN peacekeeping operation to hide and laundry terrorist Lee —just like Ban used Hyundai and Daewoo for his criminal and terror acts, you had to demonstrate your strong desire to keep your fundamental principle. For a long time, you, UN Secretary General Ban use UN for "evil" acts should be condemned by people like UN Secretary General.

One of the Korean newspapers described the objective —intelligence operations such as eavesdropping in overseas locations— which outside of the nation’s administration and judicial power, must obtain the approval of the president.

Now they are delivering their death threat by saying “the road to the crematorium” after their acts of torture done at the main street next to the ministry at Seoul. Ban Ki-Moon is any more the chief of staff to the General Assembly President. Ban is UN Secretary General.

Recently, they again carried out arson and assault and battery to add their pressures to silence the demand of liquidation of President Kim and UN Secretary General Ban's terror acts and crimes.

To Presidential Candidates Lee Myung-Bak, Lee Hoi-Chang and Chung Dong-Young,- 07/12/07
To President-elect Lee Myung-Bak and former GNP chairwoman Park Geun-Hye 07/12/21


Several state supported criminals moved to the US. One of those -related to NATO and narcotics using political criminal activities- moved to New York. It was a long before the arrival of Ban Ki-Moon at the UN.

Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations

Korean Consulate General

335 E. 45th St.(4th Fl.), New York, NY 10017

460 Park Ave.(57th St.) 6th Fl. New York, NY 10022


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