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After the arrival of Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, they moved fast and aggressively.

Ambassador Yang Sung-Chul, Cho Jung-Pyo (Consul General, Korean Consulate General in Atlanta, current vice-minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade. with Song Min-Soon, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Dec. 2006), Profiting from Terrorism. Using diplomats as agents of terror — With diplomatic immunity and privileges: Burnt Offering as Sunshine Policy at the UN


Original text: Deleted by someone: detected (Oct. 01, 2007)

When UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon was vice-minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade under President Kim Dae-Jung (Jan. 2000), vice-minister-level ambassador Choi Dae-Hwa attempted to kidnap and assassinate me numerous times, and even committed bio-terrorism.

The “money” proposal by President Kim Dae-Jung, who suggested offering financial compensation to cover-up multiple kidnapping and murder attempts and bio-terrorism. The only condition is that I should not return to Seoul. Of course, I repeatedly rejected on the spot numerous suggestions for economic compensation by President Kim Dae-Jung between 2000 and 2001. Once, the woman was well-packaged just like merchandise in the midst of their efforts to get me to accept their financial compensation proposal. On the spot, I refused the well-dressed gift presented by the current UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s diplomats — just like human merchandise. I learned that those people who can offer me a woman just like a bribe have twisted values concerning human beings. It happened inside the church. [At the end of the day —my 100th demand for the liquidation of all terrorist networks— on my way back home, an agent asked me about religion. I am sure that President Kim Dae-Jung and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon know about church and religion. On September 4, 2007, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon spoke out strongly on his novel ideas of human rights and human dignity and the fight against crime and terrorism, at the same time as a victim utterly destroyed by him and his boss fights against his crimes and terrorism.]

By threatening the lives and safety of their hostages (my family), they tried to weaken me and break my resistance. Ban Ki-Moon’s diplomats tried to buy me with money and with a woman used as a human gift. UN Secretary General Ban and President Kim Dae-Jung held my family as hostages and used them as a bargaining chip to threaten me. I was away from home.

I gave up many things to leave Brussels. When I arrived in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A, leaving behind the terrorist organization of Ambassador Choi Dae-Hwa that President Kim Dae-Jung operated in the European Union, I had $20 in my pocket after paying a half-month’s rent.

Some time after I moved to Atlanta —after leaving behind Brussels where I could not find how to solve the problem of state violence, vice-minister Ban Ki-Moon became ambassador to the United Nations (Chef de Cabinet of the President of the 56th General Assembly of the United Nations, New York, May 2001).

“Ban lacked work for the only time in his life and was expecting to receive an assignment to work in a remote and unimportant embassy. In 2001, during the 56th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, the Republic of Korea held the rotating presidency. To his surprise, he was selected to be the chief of staff to general assembly president Han Seung-soo.” Wikipedia

Just like the arrival of the medical doctor who tried to use prostitutes to harm me, vice-minister Ban used a woman as a human gift in his crime business arrived in New York (May 2001). After Ban Ki-Moon’s arrival, Cho Jung-Pyo’s diplomats and thugs —Consul General, Korean Consulate General in Atlanta, current vice-minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade— made their move and made their presence known to me by delivering a death threat (July 10, 2001). At that time, I was in the middle of my hunger strike and therefore very weak. They came to me. While the consul threatened me with his slick death threat, he was smiling in a strange way. The assistant who came with the consul did his best to intimidate me.

Mr. Ban Ki-Moon came to the UN planning to finish his unfinished job — the abduction and murder that he had already attempted in Brussels, Vlaams Brabant and Antwerp. After Ban Ki-Moon’s arrival to the UN (New York, May 2001), his subordinate diplomat delivered President Kim’s death threat to me in the midst of my hunger strike in Norcross, Georgia (near Atlanta, July 10, 2001). I had already been on my first hunger strike at the church (hunger strike at Brussels, June 2001). I was feeling very weak.

Just a few weeks before the visit of a consul with his assistant, Ban Ki-Moon’s diplomats had tried to murder me at the church (June 12, 2001).

At that time, when I was staying temporarily in Brussels for a little while after staying in Atlanta, there was an organized attempt to kidnap and murder me, including mobilizing diplomats and thugs.

There was a limit to how long I could stay in the U.S., and I couldn’t go to Seoul due to their threat to murder my family, so I headed towards Brussels where those who were waiting to kill me were. It was late May, 2001. After arriving in Brussels, I talked with Jeon by phone and met him. As the saying goes, there were many times when I did not have many choices. This day was one of those.

While in Brussels in early June 2001, I did not have much contact with them, except a few such as Jeon, Wise, Nho (Roh) Gil-Sang and several agents. [But they were there and simply they gathered in other place.]

Once he lured me to a small city near the church. I found someone (Hyundai) who worked with Jeon and diplomats. Just as Nho Gil-Sang did not carry out his attempt on me (1999), Jeon did not carry out his attempt on me.

A few days after I started the hunger strike against those who tried to kill me, Jeon proposed giving me monetary compensation with the help of a secret agent (Hyundai). [The location where the compensation was mentioned was the same place where agent Moon asked my forgiveness, saying that there was a pastor who forgave a North Korean soldier that killed his own son during the Korean War. After a while, Jeon sat on the same seat where he threatened me by mentioning the military prison when I came back to Brussels after the conspiracy to kidnap and murder me failed in Antwerp around the end of June, 2000.]

After the hunger strike was over, for 503.27 euros I purchased at a travel agency an airplane ticket at 2:40 p.m. on June 12, 2001. It was a ticket to leave Brussels. Jeon carried out a conspiracy to kill me as I was preparing to leave, at a church, including mobilizing his own wife.

When I was losing consciousness because of the drugs, Jeon, with a smile on his face, shook his finger left to right and tested how conscious I was. Jeon said many people would be there before I lost consciousness, and I asked later whom they were, but he said he didn’t remember. In the evening that day, I, who had lost consciousness because of the drugs, was able to avoid a planned death, thanks to the presence of people who went there to sleep. Jeon gave up the plan as unexpected visitors appeared.

Wise, who was frequently with Jeon and Kim Woo-Chul, appeared again. I saw Wise among those who were mobilized to cover-up the conspiracy when the man was trying to kill me at a restaurant in Antwerp 2000. When I was waking up from the drugs, he was present.

[At the end of the hunger strike in Brussels, Ambassador Choi’s agents failed in their attempt to murder me (June 12, 2001). Jeon and his wife, and diplomat Nho, were like tentacles stretched out to commit the crime during the summer of 2001 in Brussels. It is important to remember diplomat Nho’s words: “President Kim Dae-Jung has not forgotten you, he has not abandoned you,” as well as President Kim’s e-mail without text (Saturday, December 23, 2000 10:54:27 +0900) that was merely the continuation of President Kim’s threats.]

On July 10, 2001, a person —with one agent— came to visit me as I was fasting and protesting in the countryside near Atlanta, saying he was a consul at the Consulate General. [Their visit was actually meant to be a death threat.]

The consul called me by phone before his visit. Even though he and his colleagues were ready for their criminal activities with orders from above, he pretended that he did not know the area.

He said that he came to visit me on orders from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The visit was actually meant as a death threat by President Kim Dae-Jung through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. When the consul arrived, he was not alone. An assistant who also came with the consul behaved in a strange, provoking fashion. [It was simply that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ordered the visit to deliver Kim’s death threat and also to spy on me. It was an official death threat.]

Once I went to a post of Ban Ki-Moon's criminal networks to talk about certain subject. When I entered into the room —it looked like just a big room— there were some people who rapidly changed to the position of works. I couldn't see their faces. Just one man came to me to talk with me during the conversation he posed a question just like he knew that what was going on to me. He gave me the question. To pose that question, he had to know something about what I went through. Others in the room avoided their eye contacts with me. So how they knew about my situation at that time? I was curious but I did not have any energy to ask up to that point.

Atmosphere was very different from aggressive and provoking attitudes of Korean Consulate General in Atlanta under the control of Cho Jung-Pyo.

Later what the consul said during hid death threat explained the reason why. They were interconnected.

What the consul said deliberately revealed that he is not only a consul but also a member of the organization that tried to kill me. President Dae-Jung Kim, who sent diplomats who tried to kill me in such a remote place, made a death threat by revealing the presence of his power.

What he said revealed that they were around me. He deliberately informed me of the nearby presence of president Kim Dae-Jung’s terrorist networks. His visit was not intended to help me.

As I expected, I was not alone. It was confirmed by the words of a consul who came to see me after the arrival of Ban Ki-Moon in New York.

After the arrival of Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, they moved fast and aggressively.

The consul deliberately revealed one of his bases of operation and the identity of an agent who is not Korean. The consul made a threat by revealing his hidden operation base. [The identity of the agent who was revealed by the consul was not Korean.] The concerned agent is disguised just like one of those who I had seen in Antwerp at the day a group of bicyclists passing through Antwerp to go to Berlin. [Jeon tried to kidnap and murder me for President Kim Dae-Jung. Murdering a citizen was vice-minister Ban Ki-Moon’s burnt offering for Kim Dae-Jung —the hidden side of sunshine policy of President Kim Dae-Jung.]

Later, I discovered that several henchmen who were active in Brussels and Brabant were in the US.

Left: Cho Jung-Pyo, with diplomatic immunity and privileges, Consul General, Korean Consulate General in Atlanta, U.S.A. 2001; Middle: Terrorist target in recovery after a hunger strike; Right: Ban Ki-Moon (vice-minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, current UN Secretary-General), with diplomatic immunity and privileges, using diplomats as terrorist agents — Principle IV, The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him. (Nuremberg Principles)

“With the exception of his misstep in 2001, Mr. Ban has been almost surpassingly unassuming and inoffensive — noticed, when he is, for his steady record of incremental achievement at the South Korean Foreign Ministry, where he has spent his entire 37-year career. The elusiveness may be intended.” (Warren Hoge, The New York Times, December 9, 2006).

President Roh Moo-Hyun’s Special lecture at the Yonsei University on “Let us cut off the connection between political and economic power and the connection between political and media power” On May 27, 2004, the President said, “We have to get rid of the exclusive and privileged 'gangster culture' that remains in our political power.” “In the gangster culture, they have strict laws established for themselves. They don’t respect any law toward the outside world. Internally, they have powerful rule, and have strict relations of loyalty and compensation. It is an exclusive privilege group. People in general suffer because there are unfair transactions among them. This is the reason why I am trying to cut off the connection between political and economic powers.”

They were located along the route I often use to go to the Buford Highway Farmer’s Market and the Marta rapid-transit station to get to downtown Atlanta. I used to move around by foot. So I was exposed to high risk. At first, I thought about their possible presence, but the consul confirmed my expectation with his slippery words. Also, I found out about the movements of their agents between Brussels and the United States on internet websites.

Consul General Cho Jung-Pyo did not need to come to see me just to spy on me.

At the time, I was on a hunger strike. Several groups of persons came from the Korean community to visit me and express their kind desire to help me during the hunger strike. Unfortunately, there was nobody who could help me to neutralize President Kim’s cruel and criminal activities. If they dare to do so, they will be in their sights just like I am. I only know a little about President Kim’s criminal abilities.

Later, I had to go to someplace outside of the United States. I decided to go to Toronto. After my arrival on September 10, 2001, 9-11 happened. When I went to Toronto, I did not inform anyone about my destination. I did not inform anyone about my destination, because Toronto was the city in the area recommended by President Kim’s well-disguised terrorist Jeon. So, in my case, Toronto was a city in the risk zone. I had to keep in mind that they had various sources to keep the terrorists’ eyes on me. I traveled by airplane, so I expected certain possibilities.

President Kim Dae-Jung —who even committed bio-terrorism after being awarded the Nobel Prize— did not want to miss the chance to suppress the evidence of his political terror activities.

One of persons who expressed their kind desire to help me was seen at the Korean-American Community Center. He was with an assistant who came with the consul. The Consul General Cho Jung-Pyo —who worked for current UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon— has some interesting human networks. [After Ban’s departure at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Consul General Cho Jung-Pyo became the vice-minister of the Foreign Affairs Ministry.]

Just like the consul’s death threat, they take much care to disguise the person they send to be near me.

Of course, it is clear that they do not need to be just Koreans.

In the sphere of terrorism and contract killers, nationality can not be an obstacle.

Even if they were foreign nationals, they are still members of criminal networks, just like any other foreigner —Arab, Chinese and others— hired as terror agents to work for President Kim’s crimes and terror activities in the European Union. [Their status as foreigners cannot be used as a cover.]

Abduction and murder —especially political ones— are a profitable business, just like any other, such as narcotics, prostitution and diamond smuggling.

Some questions remain in Los Angeles.


agent Moon - Vice Minister Class Ambassador Choi Dae-Hwa

some are not marked here.


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This site was last updated 02/03/08

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